Friday, April 29, 2011


WOEBEGONE. The only way I can describe my feelings after the events of the last 24 hours. WOEBEGONE means beset with woe; affected by woe, especially in appearance. First and most importantly I think is Steve Carrell leaving The Office. It was sad, probably the only time I've been sad watching a TV show. I woke up last night and I was still in shock that he is gone. Second, I was full of WOEBEGONENESS due to the fact of the dumb royal wedding. Why didn't my wedding a month and a half ago get broadcast to 2 billion people? Huh?! Huh?! I'm way cooler than Will and my wife is way hotter than Kate... Screw England. I'm glad I live in America where we can call the Eagle our bird and Sam Adams our beer. God Bless us and that is that. 
 Dear Michael Scott, you broke my heart.
Go America!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I watched it tonight and felt quite woebegone when Steve Carrell left too. And sometimes in my head when I say woebegone I start saying Obi Wan...
