Friday, April 22, 2011

INAUGURAL post to a dumb blog for dumb words.

Here is the INAUGURAL post of my new blog of words that are pretty dumb, but you can use them to sound smarter. I always find myself sounding pretty dumb and I need a mix up in my vocabulary department. So for my first word I thought it could be INAUGURAL. It's a dumb word. Maybe you've heard it when a new president is elected and he gives his INAUGURAL address. What does it mean? I didn't know either. Well according to the World Wide Web INAUGURAL means the act of starting a new operation or practice. So I am INAUGURATING this blog. I am starting it new. So go out. Spread the word. INAUGRATING is the word. Say it 10 times. It sounds funny about half way through the first time. Well, I got to look up some more definitions to some more stupid words.


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