Saturday, April 30, 2011

Simpleton and Star Wars

Man, I've been bored since 11:38 this morning. That is when I left Eryka at home to go to my parent's house to go to laundry and she was going to be picked up by Annie to hang out all day. Well, it's now 9:22 PM and I'm still home. So I decided to watch Star Wars. That is how bored I am. I am just in love with Kit Fisto, the coolest, greenest Jedi out there. Well the word of the day is SIMPLETON, all it is is just another name for nerd. That is what I feel like sitting here for the last 3 hours watching Star Wars. An effin Simpleton. It's also another word for fool, so if someone you see is being stupid you just yell at their stupid face and say, "Hey you! Stop being such a simpleton!" Just throw it in their face that they don't know what the heck you're talking about. Well time to go watch some more Obi Wan and General Grievous. 

Friday, April 29, 2011


WOEBEGONE. The only way I can describe my feelings after the events of the last 24 hours. WOEBEGONE means beset with woe; affected by woe, especially in appearance. First and most importantly I think is Steve Carrell leaving The Office. It was sad, probably the only time I've been sad watching a TV show. I woke up last night and I was still in shock that he is gone. Second, I was full of WOEBEGONENESS due to the fact of the dumb royal wedding. Why didn't my wedding a month and a half ago get broadcast to 2 billion people? Huh?! Huh?! I'm way cooler than Will and my wife is way hotter than Kate... Screw England. I'm glad I live in America where we can call the Eagle our bird and Sam Adams our beer. God Bless us and that is that. 
 Dear Michael Scott, you broke my heart.
Go America!!!!

Sunday, April 24, 2011



Thanks to Liz, my cousins wife who gave me this one. This is a long one, but if you stick with me we can get through this. I can say it in my sleep now. Here it is phonically. [noo-muh-noh-uhl-truh-mahy-kruh-skop-ik-sil-i-koh-vol-key-noh-koh-nee-oh-sis, nyoo-] Speak it loud, speak it proud. Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is an obscure term ostensibly referring to a lung disease caused by silica dust. Yeah, I thought it would be cooler than that too, but hey it has the word Volcano in it. Probably because you'll get Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis come breathing in silica dust from extreme volcano exploring. So all you Volcanologists watch out. We don't want you to get Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis and die early because you were just messing out without your Volcano suits on. Also before I leave here are two Volcano movies that you can watch. Volcano and Dante's Peak. Remember, It's Hotter than Hell.

-Daniel B.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Dichotomy your mom.

What is DICHOTOMY you may ask. This one comes from my cousin Mike. When I first saw it I thought it may be some weird sexual reference, but much to my disappointment it's a lot less cool than that. DICHOTOMY(die-kot-oh-mee) is a division between two things. When I thought about it I thought of the civil war with the DICHOTOMY between the Johnny Rebs and the Yanks. Then I thought of a hot dog from this place in high school we would always go to for lunch that I named the civil war due to the DICHOTOMY of the Kansas City BBQ sauce (South) and the Buffalo sauce(North). Oh boy that was an amazing weiner. Go out and use DICHOTOMY, go impress someone with it. Their head might explode so use extreme caution.


Friday, April 22, 2011

INAUGURAL post to a dumb blog for dumb words.

Here is the INAUGURAL post of my new blog of words that are pretty dumb, but you can use them to sound smarter. I always find myself sounding pretty dumb and I need a mix up in my vocabulary department. So for my first word I thought it could be INAUGURAL. It's a dumb word. Maybe you've heard it when a new president is elected and he gives his INAUGURAL address. What does it mean? I didn't know either. Well according to the World Wide Web INAUGURAL means the act of starting a new operation or practice. So I am INAUGURATING this blog. I am starting it new. So go out. Spread the word. INAUGRATING is the word. Say it 10 times. It sounds funny about half way through the first time. Well, I got to look up some more definitions to some more stupid words.